shat·ter (shāt'ər)
v. shat·tered, shat·ter·ing, shat·ters To cause to break or burst suddenly into pieces, as with a violent blow.
To break into pieces; smash or burst. n. The act of shattering.The condition of being shattered.A splintered or fragmented condition. Often used in the plural: a rare piece of porcelain now in shatters.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Mahrinah And Tosh

These Two Chica's deserve a spot on my blog because they are two of the smartest, friendliest, and two of the most amazing people. I just met ToshMosh the night of the BodyCount Show and I can say I have a friend for life and an Accountant if I need one. Plus the girl reminds me of Allison she loves her Nike Air Max's.. Mahrinah and I go WAY back to SD... I love this girl to pieces and I honestly can't wait for her to move back to the east coast. She always has amazing stories and information that is off the wall. Things you would never imagine.  I can't wait to also bring Heather into the mix more because I can see it now.... CRAZY TROUBLE and LOADS of fun.  And Girlie Weekends with Pinkberry!

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