shat·ter (shāt'ər)
v. shat·tered, shat·ter·ing, shat·ters To cause to break or burst suddenly into pieces, as with a violent blow.
To break into pieces; smash or burst. n. The act of shattering.The condition of being shattered.A splintered or fragmented condition. Often used in the plural: a rare piece of porcelain now in shatters.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

This is Hardcore

So I had a great time at this is hardcore. Ran into alot of friends I havn't seen in sometime. Amit, KenCredible, Jen, and so on. I got to hang out with some of the radist people, Mahrinah, Tosh-Mosh, Heather McGrath. Both Ken and Heather are AMAZING Photograhers if you get a chance you should totally check them out. 

Here are a couple of shots I took. 

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