shat·ter (shāt'ər)
v. shat·tered, shat·ter·ing, shat·ters To cause to break or burst suddenly into pieces, as with a violent blow.
To break into pieces; smash or burst. n. The act of shattering.The condition of being shattered.A splintered or fragmented condition. Often used in the plural: a rare piece of porcelain now in shatters.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Leading A Second Life - Dedicated My Ass

I have always found it funny that a lot of people live a second life. For Instance you have a person who claims they are Buddhist and run Positive websites and community service programs but on the other end of the stick I've seen that person do Coke lines off of Pool tables, bang out "crew" dudes, and to have them backing their positive websites when they are the most insensitive, uncharismatic, bullies, rip off artist, and Ass Clowns.  On top of that the person is truly insensitive,  and rude themselves.  I honestly don't believe they have a Center.

 I thought Buddhist were suppose to be positive people, happy, one with earth and life.. Doing away with negativity and not surrounding themselves with that.... I dunno.. People suck!

I just needed to vent!

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