So today I'm working and the guy comes up to me and asks me to help him with some things he is trying to buy......As I turned to him I noticed he looked oddly familar but at the same time didnt.... He basically looked like my friend Pete (235Kid).. He was rockabilly, Pete's the same way.. This guy was all tattoo'd up and Pete's the same way... The only difference with this guy is he had a European accent and sorta the loose Elvis pomp going.... Here he stands in front of me he is wearing a tight black shirt that reads, "The Only Metal is Norweigian Metal!" I said in my head, ' Hell freakin ya! This guy rules!' But it gets better, I then proceed to ask this guy where he is from, 'NORWAY!' Yeah you heard me right.... Then all I could think of is my friend ,Mahrinah and her slight obsession with things from Norway! and then my friend allison who thinks guys with blond hair that work our should be named sven and are from sweden or Norway! hahaha
what a day!