shat·ter (shāt'ər)
v. shat·tered, shat·ter·ing, shat·ters To cause to break or burst suddenly into pieces, as with a violent blow.
To break into pieces; smash or burst. n. The act of shattering.The condition of being shattered.A splintered or fragmented condition. Often used in the plural: a rare piece of porcelain now in shatters.

Monday, February 2, 2009

In need of Funds for a new Camera

Mood, There is no moods. I haven't lifted my camera since the wedding. I've felt like shit ever since I got that phone call stating that they were disappointed in my pictures of the wedding.  I explained to them even before I handed over that disk that I wasn't happy with that pictures but a select few due to the fact that my auto focus didn't want to work. The funny thing was that They knew I had never shot a wedding before. I guess they are called growing pains. But those growing pains have led me to not want to even pick up my camera as of late. Even for shows and That is what I am good at. I thought about shooting tomorrow but the weather is suppose to be bad and I got a lot to do.  

Anyway, as of late I have been in one of those moods where I miss my guy friends the most.  I know with one it would be weird to hang out with but at the same time it wouldn't it just be nice to talk to like old times. and the other, well I only see him when he is on tour and by that time he's ready to kill everyone in the band. I miss driving to OC to go grocery shopping or hanging out at Zero to just dish. Man. Maybe I'm just lonely. I feel like I have no life. I have 2 people in my life. Lenny and Allison. That's all I hang out with.. Sometimes I hate living in a city where I don't really know anyone. 

Well my mom got back from Iraq and just dropped the bomb that she is going back in 6 months. WOOHOO! She also stated that since she got back she had to pay $24,000 in taxes... Not for nothing, F*ck the government on that.. My mom went over as a volunteer.. Thats alot more to say then those yuppie ass people in government that sit on their ass and send more people in to get killed. I mean come on.... If anything Those people that go over should get a Tax Break.. Plain and Simple. 

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